Talks and presentations
Academic keynotes and invited talks
24.01.2024: Agent-based modelling and complexity economics (Agentenbasiertes Modellieren und Komplexitätsökonomik), Public lecture (University of Siegen, language: German).
22.02.2024: Degrowth: Historical origins, the diversity of the movement and current controversies (Degrowth: Historische Ursprünge, die Vielfalt der Bewegung und aktuelle Kontroversen), Public lecture (Heinrich Böll Foundation, language: German).
19.01.2024: Pluralism and Complexity: an alternative to the neoclassical equilibrium approach? (Pluralismus und Komplexität: Ein Gegenentwurf zur neoklassischen Gleichgewichtsökonomik?), Public lecture (University of Hamburg, language: German).
07.02.2023: The Emergence of Debt and Secular Stagnation in an Unequal Society, Seminar Talk (Chemnitz University of Technology, language: English).
14.11.2023: Pluralism and Decoloniality: Friends or Foes?, Public Lecture (University College London, language: English).
23.01.2023: Agent-based modelling and complexity economics (Agentenbasiertes Modellieren und Komplexitätsökonomik), Public lecture (University of Siegen, language: German).
29.09.2022: Applied Economic Methodology, Keynote given at the Second Philosophy & Economics Conference (University of Vienna, language: English).
06.09.2022: Automation and Inequalities: The Merits of a Pluralist Research Program in the Context of Automation, Guest Lecture given at the EAEPE Pre-Conference for Young Scholars (Parthenope University of Naples, language: English).
02.05.2022: Does the truth lie somewhere in between? A pluralist perspective on global inequality (Liegt die Wahrheit irgendwo dazwischen? Eine plurale Perspektive auf globale Ungleichheit), Public lecture (University of Tübingen, language: German).
19.12.2022: The socioeconomic dimension of sufficiency: possible contributions from pluralist economics (Die sozioökonomischen Dimension von Suffizienz: Mögliche Beiträge der Pluralen Ökonomik), Invited presentation at the symposium on the socio-economic relevance of sufficiency (Europa-University Flensburg, language: German).
29.05.2021: Challenges for pluralism in economics (Herausforderungen einer pluralen Ökonomik), Keynote (Spring school of the German Network for Pluralism in Economics, language: German).
06.10.2021: Developing System Theory via Agent-Based Modeling, Invited Paper to the International Symposium on Theory Development through Agent-Based Modelling (Hannover, language: English).
17.11.2021: Complexity Economics: an alternative to the neoclassical equilibrium approach? (Komplexitätsökonomik - Ein Gegenentwurf zur neoklassischen Gleichgewichtsökonomik?), Invited lecture (Zeppelin University, language: German).
03.12.2021: Complexity Economics - A short introduction (Komplexitätsökonomik - Eine kurze Einführung), Invited lecture (FU Berlin, language: German).
19.10.2021: What is pluralist economics? (Was ist Plurale Ökonomik?), Inaugural speech to the public lecture series on pluralism in economics (Christian-Albrechts-University, language: German). Available on Youtube.
16.12.2021: Pluralism in Economics & beyond - How a Plurality of Paradigms Helps Understanding Socio-Ecological Challenges, Invited Talk during the Sustainability and Energy Lectures (Europa-University Flensburg, language: English).
09.06.2021 (together with Birte Strunk): Why we need pluralist economics (Warum braucht es Plurale Ökonomik?), Keynote (University of Vienna, language: German).
02.09.2019: Pluralism, Complexity and the Effective Triangulation of Methods, Keynote (NEEC Summer Schoool on Complexity Economics, Behavioral Economics and Data Science at the University of Bochum, language: English).
11.-12.09.2019: The Political Economy of Economic Complexity: Models, Data and Policy, Short Course at the EAEPE Pre-Conference for Young Scholars (Warsaw University of Economics, language: English).
Podcasts and interviews
- 02.12.2023: Pluralist Economics And Improving The Science Of Economics, in: Jack Roycroft-Sherry’s Science Podcast (by Roycroft-Sherry J.; language: English): Link.
- 27.05.2022: Agent-Based Modelling, in: Podcast In der Wirtschaft (by Cremer J., Middelanis M.; language: German): Link.